Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Rescue of the Red Balloon

Super Tessie

We have had quite a crazy weekend at our house.  I threw not one, but two birthday parties this weekend.  Within 17 hours of each other.  Saturday night was Nick’s birthday BBQ and camp-out, which became a camp-in since it rained all night.  Sunday morning was Christian’s Incredible Birthday Party, themed after his favorite movie, The Incredibles.  I cooked tons of food, made deserts for both parties, and even created a custom cocktail.  I stayed up way too late, had way too much fun, and this morning I got off to a late start.  It all came together in the end however, both parties were great, and we all had a ton of fun.  But by about 2pm I was spent.

Christian went down for a nap without a single complaint, Nick was out like a light the
The Red Balloon
moment his head touched his pillow, but my darling girl would not fall asleep.  This of course meant there was no nap in my future.  I was concerned that I would be spending the afternoon with a very cranky child but on the contrary, she was amazing.  While I cleaned up Tessie played quietly in the living room with some of Christian’s new toys.  She played outside on the back porch for a while and I joined her for a snack.  That was when she turned to me and asked if I wanted to go on a nature walk.  Well, how could I refuse?

We walked barefoot, hand in hand, down to the river to dip in our toes.  As we were standing up to go explore somewhere else I saw a flash of color downstream.  Upon closer investigation it turned out to be a red balloon from the party, caught in some branches in the stream.  Still channeling the super hero vibe of the party, we decided to rescue the red balloon from it’s certain demise.

Another day saved!
Super Tessie and Super Mommy carefully approached the mass of branched holding our dear balloon captive.  It looked dangerous, but we weren’t afraid.  We knew the only way to save the balloon would be to work together, so I lowered Super Tessie down and she reached out for the balloon.  At first it seemed our efforts were in vain, but then Super Tessie used her Super Reach and grabbed the balloon from the clutches of the evil branches.  I pulled them back to safety and the day was saved, yet again!

As we walked back to the house with the red balloon Tessie looked up at me and said “Mom, that was a fun adventure.”  I smiled and said I thought so too.  What a beautiful way to spend the afternoon.

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