Friday, December 7, 2012

The Mess

I think I may have mentioned before, I sometimes bite off more than I can chew.  The good news is that this doesn't always result in a total mental breakdown.  Sometimes, like today, it just results in a very messy kitchen.

For several weeks I have known about an upcoming bake sale, organized by a friend, raising money to replace yucky tire shreds in our park, with gravel.   I knew what I wanted to make, and had every intention of having it done ahead of time.  I am full of good intentions.

Big surprise, I got nothing done ahead of time.  Instead, I took the kids to day care, and baked like I've never baked before.  My plan was to make some mini loaves of rustic rosemary and roasted garlic bread, and some winter themed cookies.  For the next couple hours there was nothing but a cloud of flour and powdered sugar, as I stirred, measured, kneaded, and decorated.  The other side to this story is that I had also promised Nick I would bring him lunch after I dropped off my contributions at the bake sale.  Sorry honey.

Well I finally finished decorating all my cookies, got lunch together, and pulled the bread out of the oven.  I loaded everything into the car, then ran back in to grab my keys.  I walked into the kitchen, and the entirety of the mess hit me.  Wow.  There was flour everywhere, icing dripping from the counter to the floor, and dishes stacked on every available surface.  I didn't have any time to dwell, so instead I decided to focus on the other side of the mess, the results side.  I had made some adorable snowman cookies, and the best smelling bread I had ever inhaled.  And I still managed to get Nick his lunch.  All in all, I'd say that's pretty beautiful.  Anyway, kitchens are meant to get messy, right?

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