Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Our kids are really into playing games on our phones.  I have to give them limited time that they are allowed to play, or they would just stare at a screen all day.  It amazes me that they are so adept at operating an iPhone.  Even Christian knows how to open the game he wants to play, or even close it and watch a movie on the Netflix app instead.  The one benefit that my husband and I both agree on, is that playing games on the small screen seems to have helped Christian’s dexterity in his fingers.  He also sits up very tall, and uses both hands to play, so there is actually some therapeutic benefit to it as well.  Who knew?  There is, however, one major problem with the kids playing games on the phone; getting them to take turns.

We are big believers in sharing.  Yes, it might be easier to let them each play with their own device, but where is the challenge in that?  Instead we have decided to force them to better themselves, by taking turns, and not complaining about it.  Sometimes, complaining can turn into all out screaming about it, but we believe it is worth the lesson in the long run.  This evening, we told the kids they could play while we were making dinner, if they could take turns.  They preceded to wow us.

Christian got the first turn, and had a little bit of a hard time handing the phone to his sister, but did so with no tears or yelling.  After that they did great.  We had to remind them when their turn was up, and there were a couple of mumbled complaints, but all in all it went pretty well.  When I announced dinner was ready, they handed over the phone and came to the table, and I heaped compliments on them.  I was very impressed by their ability to share, score one for the parents.  What a beautiful moment.

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