A few days ago, in the middle of a laundry marathon, my washing machine gave out. I was lead into the laundry room by a slight burning smell, and discovered the washing machine had come to a full halt, and was full of water. It being the evening before New Year’s Eve, the broken washer had to wait. Now that the holiday was past, it was time to address the broken appliance.
I called a repair man this morning, and chatted about the cost of a visit, and a possible repair. We said we would talk it over, and maybe call back. After much deliberation, and talk of expense, we decided to give it a go ourselves.
Our guess was that the water pump needed to be replaced, because the water wasn’t draining. We searched online and found the right part, and then proceeded to take our washer apart. We successfully drained it, and got the hoses to the pump unhooked, when Nick spotted something poking out from under the washer. He pulled out a very shredded belt, and solved the mystery of the broken washer.
After a long and rather difficult trip to find a replacement belt, Nick returned home, and we proceeded to attach our new belt. Just as we were about to reattach the hoses, I noticed something funny about our pump. There seemed to be a pink mass inside the pump. Nick reached his pinky in, and pulled out a very wet, pink sock. So it turns out I solved the mystery after all.
We reattached the hoses, threw in a small load, and gave it a test run. Perfect. Our mountains of dirty clothes could finally subside. Theoretically, that is. We saved ourselves a lot of money, learned some new skills, and proved what a great team we are. All in all, I'd say our do-it-yourself day turned out beautifully.
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