Saturday, January 26, 2013

Singing the Night Away

My childhood memories are filled with parties. My parents had an amazing group of friends, and they had wild get-togethers, with musical evenings, and all the kids right in the middle of it. We danced with our "aunties" and "uncles" who were just as much a part of our family as anyone related by blood. Then we would collapse into the lap of an adult and struggle to keep our eyes open, until we finally fell asleep to the happy sounds of laughter, friendship, and Creedence Clearwater Revival.

Tonight my children had the same experience, with some of the same people. We had a mini reunion with my "other family" Those friends of my parents who were such an integral part oft youth. We played music and sang songs until almost midnight, and my kids were right there, soaking it all up.

For quite a while, Christian sat on my mom's lap, fixated on his mom and dad singing. Tessie danced around in the middle of the group, twirling faster and faster. They both demanded "another one!" as soon as we stopped.

When bedtime had come and gone, their eyes started to grow heavy, and Tessie's spinning slowed. I got them both into jammies, but let them stay on the porch to listen to the music. Tessie was the first to fade. She curled up on the outside bed with her pillow and blanket, under the pretense that she was still just listening. She was asleep within minutes. Christian hung in a little longer, but it wasn't long until he was fast asleep in my mom's arms. We all kept playing music, singing, and laughing the night away, and they kept sleeping.

It is amazing that my kids can sleep through a chorus of "Folsom Prison" but wake up if I knock a book over in the middle of the night. Whatever the magic that helps kids sleep during a party, I'm not questioning it. I loved watching them and thinking that I did the same thing, in the same place, with the same people. Life has a funny way of repeating itself, and that is absolutely beautiful.

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