Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Angry Birds

Christian had physical therapy first thing this morning, which he always looks forward to.  His therapist and I moved the coffee table out of the way to make room for him to roll around on the floor, and the fun began.  She brought a ton of cardboard blocks over to play one of Christian's favorite games: Angry Birds.  She builds a tower out of the big blocks, and Christian rolls across the floor to crash into them.  I hadn't watched them play since Christian has gotten good at rolling, and it was a riot. 

Tessie was the assistant, and together they would build a tower as fast as they could, and Christian would try to get there before they finished.  Both Tes and Christian were shrieking with laughter.  As soon as he knocked it down, Tes would grab as many blocks as she could, run to the other side of the rug, and try to build a new tower.  It was so much fun to watch them having such a blast, but it was absolutely amazing to watch Christian roll.  He was rolling quicker and smoother than I had ever seen, and then pushing himself up high on his forearms to knock over the tower.  I was amazed and in awe.  He rolled again and again, a smile plastered to his face the whole time.  I couldn't stop grinning myself, and all I could think of was how beautiful this little goofball was, rolling across the living room.

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