Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Hug

I had an emotional morning, that's putting it mildly.  I have been incredibly emotionally charged lately, and the littlest things can send me into a downward spiral.  (This is the part where I apologize to my husband, and thank him for putting up with all my crazy.)  While I was driving Tes and Christian to school I was crying like an idiot, and trying to hide it from the kids.  They don't need to know the extent of my absurdity yet.  Thank goodness I had a roll of toilet paper in the car.  I somehow managed to pull myself together before we arrived at school, and thought I might be able to get away with no one knowing about my cry-fest in the car. 

As I was getting the kids out of the car, I spotted a friend of mine across the parking lot.  She and I used to be very close, but since we have had kids we haven't seen each other nearly enough.  Sometimes that happens for no reason other than the fact that it's just hard to do anything once you are a parent.  I waved at her, and she walked across the parking lot.  We asked how the other was doing, and we each gave a half-hearted shrug.  I could see my morning mirrored in her expression, and I immediately gave her a hug.  We stood there, holding onto each other for dear life, finding comfort in a long lost friend. 

It didn't matter how much time had passed since our last real visit, in that moment we knew exactly what the other one needed.  Motherhood, and womanhood for that matter, is hard.  We take on so much, and then give even more.  No one else understands like another mother.  We didn't tell each other what was bothering us, we just wiped away our tears and promised to see each other soon.  That moment made me feel better than almost anything else could have, and I can only hope I did the same for her.  The bonds of motherhood and friendship are a beautiful thing.

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