Tuesday, April 30, 2013

What a Mom's Gotta Do

After Christian woke up from his afternoon nap, I took him straight outside.  I am trying to make an effort for more outside time, and less T.V./couch time.  This can be pretty tricky, especially when Christian is still waking up.  He started to fuss as we were sitting down next to the river, and asked if he could play on my phone.  I started to refuse, but foresaw the giant fit that was sure to be thrown, and gave in.

He sat in my lap, happily playing a game on the phone, while Tessie danced around us.  I leaned back, and watched hummingbirds speeding by, and the light bouncing off the water.  After a while, I told Christian it was time to let Tessie have a turn on the phone.  He gave it up with very little objection, and Tes took pictures of us and the trees.  Christian and I looked for fairies, he spotted one in the water and said it was an "Incredible Fairy."  We sang songs and blew on grass blades.  He was enjoying the backyard without even realizing it.  I felt triumphant, and beautifully sneaky.  But hey, a mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do. 

Tessie's Photo

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