Saturday, April 20, 2013

Two Is Enough

Although I love my children immensely, I have been known to complain, from time to time, that being the mother of two young children is unbearably hard.  I didn't think things could be more chaotic, or my house more of a disaster.  Today I took care of four children between the ages of one and four, and I have a whole new perspective. 

A very close friend of mine asked if I would mind watching her kids this morning, and I agreed right away.  Our children get along wonderfully, and have grown up together.  I assumed I would be worn out by the time reinforcements showed up, by I had no idea.  My kids were still asleep when their friends got dropped off, so for about a half hour it was a piece of cake.  Then Tes and Christian woke up.  I didn't sit down for the next three and a half hours.  I was running back and forth between the four kids, catching the one year old before he fell down the stairs, sitting Christian back up and handing him his dropped milk, reminding the two four year old girls to calm down before they hurt themselves, then soothing them two seconds later after they accidentally hit each other in the head, then running into the kitchen to stop the one year old again from slamming his fingers in a drawer. 

I should note, the kids were actually all on great behavior, and I was still fried.  They had a blast together, laughing, giggling, and leaving a trail of toys spread all over the house in their wake.  After two hours, I was pretty settled on convincing Nick to get a vasectomy.  My girlfriend arrived with lunch just in the nick of time.  We spent the rest of the day together, watching our kids and visiting.  I would watch her kids again in a heartbeat, but I think I will go in with a little more preparation.  If anything, I have a new appreciation for parents of four kids.  I think that for me, two is a beautiful number.

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