Friday, April 19, 2013


Tonight I got dressed up.  I'm talking a dress, heels, and even lipstick.  That's right, lipstick.  What prompted this get up?  I was showing support for my husband.  Nick is the president of our local Trout Unlimited chapter, a conservation organization that focuses it's efforts on rivers and trout.  Tonight was their annual banquet, and I went to support Nick and help sell shirts.  I love watching Nick in his element, he walked through the crowd, smiling and shaking hands, and I swelled with pride. 

During his speech I sat in the front row.  It was quite a treat for me to see him speak, since I am usually home with the kids during his events.  He is a natural speaker, and radiates charisma.  I was moved by hearing about all the hard work that he, and the organization, have done over the last year.  At the end of the night, although my feet were sore, my heart was full.  I feel lucky to be married to someone who I can admire for his accomplishments, and I stood by his side proudly as I said goodnight to clients and business acquaintances.  Watching him in the midst of people who look up to him and value his opinion on not only fishing matters, but major environmental political matters as well, was a beautiful way to spend the evening. 

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