Friday, May 3, 2013


We had a very long day today, a great day, but a long one.  We started with swim therapy, and the kids shrieked with excitement when Nick said he would be coming with us.  He stayed with us all day.  After the pool we ran errands, then went out to lunch, where both kids had pancakes.  Lunch was followed by parent/teacher conferences at the kid's preschool, which were great, and left us beaming with pride.  At this point, we were pretty far past nap time, so we headed home.  This is where it got really good, all of us lay down for quiet time.  That's right, all four of us.  Amazing.  Then we got back in the car and went to Nick's mom's for dinner.  By the time we got home, it was past bedtime, and I was worried the kid's would give me a really hard time.  I was wrong.  They snuggled on the couch together, waiting for book time, giggling and smiling like they hadn't just had the longest day ever.  In awe of their stamina, I just watched them for a minute, and smiled at the beautiful scene in front of me.

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