Thursday, November 15, 2012

My Knight in Shining Armor

A few days ago I tweaked my neck.  Since then it has been stiff and sore, but manageable.  This morning, however, I woke up in so much pain, I couldn’t move.  I woke up to the sound of Christian over the monitor, and went downstairs to make a pot of coffee.  The pain snuck up on me, unrecognizable at first through my haze of tired confusion.  Then it hit me like a brick wall.  I went back upstairs and sat on the edge of the bed.  Nick leaned over to ask if I was okay but I couldn’t form the words to tell him what I was feeling.  I laid back down, closed my eyes, and tried to find that place of pain tolerance that I hadn’t accessed since Tessie was born.  Without questioning me, Nick went downstairs and I fell asleep. 

The next time I opened my eyes, it was an hour later and I could hear Nick and both kids downstairs.  I slowly and stiffly sat up, and walked down, clutching the railing.  I made it to the couch before collapsing, and sat there with my eyes shut tight, the pain even worse than before.  That was when my knight in shining armor arrived.  Nick brought me my coffee with a straw, so I wouldn’t have to sit up to drink it.  He practically force fed me a banana, then some ibuprofen.  The kids wanted to climb all over me, and Nick kept them calm.  He made me a heat pack from an old sock and some rice, and rubbed my neck.  Then, when I guess I showed no signs of improvement, he gave me a muscle relaxer, called in backup so he wouldn’t have to go to work right away, and sent me back to bed.  I was so grateful, all I could do was cry.

I slept for another few hours, and when I got up I felt out of it, but my neck felt somewhat normal again.  Nick brought lunch over to me on the couch, and made sure I was okay before he left for work.  My neck hurt on and off throughout the day, but it was nothing compared to what I felt this morning.  I don’t know what I would have done if Nick hadn’t been there for me.  That feeling of helplessness is terrible, especially for a mom.  My husband was amazing today.  I felt taken care of and safe, which is all anyone wants when in pain.  My hero came to my rescue, and it was beautiful.

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