This afternoon I timed my trip to the grocery store with Nick's trip to the dump, so he could drop off the truck we borrowed, and I could pick him up. On the way into town, Tes fell asleep in the car, and stayed asleep while Nick climbed into the car, and we pulled into the grocery store parking lot. So I left my husband and daughter in the car, and at the request of my son, I took him into the store with me.

I have been shopping with Christian alone on quick trips, but this was a full on "empty fridge" trip. We were in for the long haul. From the start, Christian was having a great time. He laughed and joked with me. He pointed out different foods he thought we needed. He smiled and flirted with the people we passed. We raced down the aisles, filled our cart, and had an absolutely wonderful time. I had so much fun with him, I forgot that shopping is usually a chore.

The last item on our list was to pick up a few prescriptions. As we were waiting for our turn at the counter, I started to sing the Winnie the Pooh song to Christian, and he joined me, singing quite clearly. Just as he sang "enchanted neighborhood..." I heard someone say "awwww..." behind me. I turned and saw that a very long line had formed behind us and everyone was looking at Christian. I looked back at him, and saw him the way they all did; a handsome, charming little boy, sitting tall and proud, and soaking up all the attention like sunlight after a storm. I swelled with pride.
When we pulled the cart up to our parked car, I said hi to Nick through the open window, then glanced back at Christian just in time to see him swiping a banana out of the cart. I was shocked to see him turned all the way around in the cart, and pulling strong enough on the banana to actually pull it off the bunch. All I could do was laugh, and peel the banana. I had a great time at the grocery store today. I really never thought I would say that. Especially while shopping with even one of my children. But Christian and I had a great time, nonetheless. One might even say, it was beautiful.
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