Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Big Girl Bed

This evening, I was in a happy place.  We had a great, mellow Thanksgiving with family and friends, and I was enjoying watching my children entertain us all.  Little to Tessie's knowledge, we all had a big surprise planned for her.  My parents had brought up a new bed for her, and we were planning on setting it up in her room after dinner.  It finally came time to tell her.  I whispered in her ear that she was getting a big girl bed.  Tonight.  Madness ensued.

Tes jumped around, chanting "big girl bed" over and over.  In fact, her jumping got so wild that she ended up falling onto the coffee table and hitting her cheek.  We were able to subdue her tears by promising to bring the bed in.  Tessie and Bubbi both set up watch, as all the men in the house proceeded to put the new bed together.  Tessie continued her jumping routine, having forgotten the previous episode, and Christian watched from his booster chair, shouting encouragements.

When the bed was finally assembled and made up, both kids wanted to crawl in it right away.  I tucked them both in and asked what they thought.  "I love it." Christian said, and Tessie added, "I want to stay here forever."  Because my parents were staying the night, Christian slept in Tessie's room, in her old bed.  Tessie was happily under the covers in her new bed.  I tucked my big girl into her big girl bed, and kissed her goodnight.  Her happiness followed me out, a beautiful send off.

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