I am a lover of books. My husband might say I'm a hoarder of books, but I prefer lover. That love can be traced directly back to my childhood. My father read to my brother and me every night. It was the most special part of the day, when we got him all to ourselves, and together the three of us would be transported to other worlds and times. From a very early age, my father abandoned traditional picture books, and instead read us epic adventures of magic and intrigue. Otherwise known as chapter books. We read a chapter every night, and my brother and I would climb eagerly into bed to hear the next part of the story. We read The Chronicles of Narnia, Charlotte's Web, Robinson Crusoe, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and many, many more. I think this is the reason I am such an avid reader to this day.
I recently unpacked several boxes of books that had been in our garage. This is not a nod in favor of Nick's opinion that I am a book hoarder. In the boxes were several of the books from my childhood, and I thought that Tessie might be ready to be introduced to them. At dinner tonight I showed her Stuart Little, and explained that a chapter book was a big kid book, that you read a little of each night. She was so excited to start reading it, and I was just as excited as she was. I envisioned her glued to the page as her dad read, talking about her favorite parts, and begging for one more chapter. Well, needless to say, things don't always go as planned.
Nick started to read the book, and Tes looked bored, then her attention wandered. In the middle of the chapter she asked me if I could "explain this book to her." Christian thought it was great, but when I asked Tessie what she thought, she said it was a little weird. I walked out of the kids room after putting them to sleep, a little dejected and disappointed. Nick just smiled at me, and told me to give it another night. Knowing Tes, she could be obsessed with the book in no time. He was right, and I had to laugh at myself. What is one of the most important rules of parenting? Your children are not you! I know I don't have to worry about my children loving books, their love for chapter books will come in it's own beautiful time.
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