Friday, October 5, 2012

A Sibling Moment

Today I had a badly needed clean-house day.  The only hitch was that my children were home with me.  But something really amazing happened.  Tessie and Christian played together, really well, all morning.  Tessie was building houses in her room with blocks, I was attempting to start cleaning the kitchen but Christian was not happy in his spot on the couch.  I tried changing movies, bringing toys, nothing helped.  Then I asked if he wanted to play with Tessie in her room.  The answer was a very enthusiastic YES! 

Christian immediately wanted to play in Tessie’s tent, so I laid him inside and asked Tes if she wanted to join him.  She crawled in next to her brother and they began to talk about toys.  I snuck out of the room, hoping to get a few minutes of cleaning in before my son started calling me back.  I was pleasantly surprised. 

After about ten minutes, I stuck my head in Tessie’s room to see what was going on.  The kids were still both in the tent, just their feet were sticking out through the tightly closed flaps.  Tessie had secured the velcro on the tent door so they were enclosed inside.  I stood quietly in the doorway and listened to them whisper silly things back and forth, most of which I couldn't make out.  Every once in a while I would hear one of them giggle.  I finally snuck close enough to pear through the tent flaps.  They had their heads close together, bathed in a pink glow from the tent sides, and looked completely happy.

Tessie and Christian played together for well over an hour, while I scrubbed, folded, and washed.  There were very few complaints, cries, or whines, and I heard plenty of giggles, laughter, and happy exchanges.  I consider myself very lucky to have children who not only get along, but play very well together.  Witnessing  them have their private sibling moment in the tent today was extremely special and, above all, one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen.

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