We arrived a little late to the party, which was being held a local play space, and all the nearby parking spaces were taken. I promised myself I had to get a handicap parking sticker, and then drove to the next lot. Normally it wouldn't be the biggest deal, as the lot is really not that far, but when Christian is walking in his car, it’s light years away. Not letting the distance dampen our spirits, I got the kids out, Christian in his walker, and they put on their superhero masks. We were ready to rock.
They were ridiculously adorable. Christian, with his cape flapping, walking proudly, kept shouting “I’m Incredible!” And Tes twirled in her princess skirt, her wand held high as she proclaimed “Princess power!” They were perfect. The party was a hit, both kids played, had their faces painted, and hit the pinata. It was definitely hard to leave.
As fun as the party was, my favorite part may have been walking back to the car. Tessie was walking ahead with a friend and her mom, while Christian and I followed. The walk back to the car was slightly downhill and Christian was racing. We were laughing and shouting “Go Christian!” as he screamed in delight.
Today’s was the first party that I felt like Christian was an active participant. Even at his own birthday party, he was held for most of it, and just watched the other kids playing. This time he walked, participated in all the activities, and showed off his superhero charm. I was proud and kept tapping different friends on the shoulder to say “Look at Christian sitting so tall! Did you just see that, he walked across the whole courtyard! Look at how much fun he is having!” It was a beautiful afternoon.

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