Thursday, February 14, 2013

Bye Bye Bath Seat

Bath time is almost always a happy event in our house.  The kids often stay in, splashing and laughing, until the water is getting cold and their toes are prunes.  The only downside has been that Christian has always needed a bath seat.  Instead of getting smaller bath seats and eventually not needing one at all, Christian's bath seats have gotten bigger and more elaborate.  His current seat is very large and cumbersome.  It hooks over the side of the tub and fully surrounds his mid-section.  It is very helpful in the sense that I don't have to hold him up the entire time, which would be nearly impossible anyway, but it it also hard to wash him in it, and he can't play freely.  I have been looking forward to getting rid of it for ages.

Tonight, for the first time ever, Christian took a bath in our tub without the seat, or any support from me.  He sat in the tub with his sister, like any other two and a half year old, and played with his bath toys without the confines of the seat.  It was awesome.  He did fall to the side once, but I righted him quickly and he kept playing.  I was able to wash him easily, and he was very proud of himself.  I am getting rid of the bath seat tomorrow, and it feels like we are turning over a new page.  Every little step like this one, gets Christian closer to independence, and gets me further away from back pain.  Watching him take a bath with his sister, just a naked happy boy in a tub, was unbelievably beautiful.

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