Monday, February 18, 2013

Every Inch

This morning Christian had a physical therapy session, bright and early.  I was still in my robe, coffee in hand, and Nick was getting ready for work.  I was slowly making breakfast, peaking my head into the kid's room occasionally to see what Christian was doing.  He has been working on rolling and moving with his physical therapist for well over a year.  The biggest hurdle has always been that he hates being on his tummy.  I'm sure I've written about that before.  His arms were never strong enough to hold himself up, and so his face was always stuck in the carpet.  No fun.  This morning, he was laying happily on his tummy, pushed up high on his forearms, just hanging out.  That was beautiful in itself.  Then something amazing happened.

Nick and I were both standing in the doorway, watching his therapist coax him to roll from his back to his tummy, something he has been doing better and better in the past month.  I was leaning sleepily against Nick and enjoying watching my strong boy working so hard, when suddenly he amazed me.  He started to roll onto his stomach, concentration painted across his face.  He made it onto his tummy, then pushed up high and started to pivot his body towards a toy slightly to his side.  We stared, open mouthed, as he scooted sideways and even a little forward, and grabbed the toy.  He moved about a foot total, the furthest I have ever seen him move by himself.  Then he rolled back onto his back and held the toy up triumphantly. 

We all cheered enthusiastically, and I burst into tears.  For a moment, I couldn't control my emotions, and I just stood there, overwhelmed with love and pride, tears rolling down my cheeks.  Christian was oblivious to my outburst, and continued to play happily.  Nick and I held onto each other, not needing words to express the joy we were sharing.  I know, someday, I will look back on all of this, and it won't seem so painfully long.  I know Christian will be going faster than I can keep up with.  But for now, every roll, every inch, is more beautiful than I could ever express.

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