Saturday, February 16, 2013

Partners in Misery

It seems like I get screamed at a lot.  I mean, really, a lot.  In fact, sometimes I have to remind myself that there are plenty of moments in which I am not being screamed at.  Since we have gotten home from our vacation, bedtime for Christian has involved a lot of screaming.  I pull out every trick I know, try every method, but I get the same results.  He screams at me until I get mad, then I feel guilty and we snuggle, then he screams some more, I try not to get mad again, and eventually he falls asleep.  He has been averaging about an hour and a half to settle down.  It hasn't been fun.

Tonight was no different.  I had already been in his room several times, when he started yelling again.  How Tessie sleeps through all of that, I have no idea.  This time I was in the middle of something, so Nick decided to give it a try.  We were both apprehensive, and sure enough, I could tell the moment Nick entered the room by the rise in volume from Christian.  Even though I wanted Christian to fall asleep, I will admit that there was a part of me that was nervous Nick would be too successful, and show me up.  Well I shouldn't have worried.  Poor Daddy got an earful.  He did eventually get him calmed down, and I didn't have to step in.  Although he may have gotten Christian to sleep a little more quickly than I could, it was reassuring that there wasn't a huge difference.  Sometimes, we all just need a partner in our misery to make it less miserable.  As silly as it may sound, the look on Nick's face when he came out of the kid's room was beautiful.

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