Saturday, February 23, 2013


I think there isn't anything that says love quite as much as holding someone while they are puking all over you, and not noticing anything other than that they are miserable.  For whatever reason, tonight Christian got super sick to his stomach, and let me prove just how much I loved him. 

This morning Christian was in a great mood, and excited for swim therapy at the pool.  Towards the end of his session he got pretty sleepy and fussy, but nothing too unusal.  After swimming, I took the kids to Nick's mom's house.  Christian was playong hapily at first, but began spiralling towards exahustion quickly.  After a few bites of lunch he announced he was done, and I put him down for a nap.  Later this afternoon, as I was on my way to pick the kids back up, Nick's mom called and said that Christian had just thrown up.  I got there as quickly as I could. 

He didn't seem sick to me, just lethargic, and continued to get more color and energy.  But then, just before dinner, he threw up again.  This time he was in my arms, and it was bad.  Nick was standing next to me, and I leaned my poor baby forward and he got sick all over me, the floor, and himself.  As soon as I was sure he was done, I high-tailed it to the bathroom.  I began stripping him down, and expected him to be sad and traumatized, but instead he seemed to perk up right away.  In fact, he ate a huge dinner and then played in the toy kitchen for a long time before it was time to put on jammies.  As I was cleaning him up he said "I threw up momma."  I nodded and asked if he thought he was going to again, or if he was okay.  "I'm okay." he stated.  And that was that.  I hugged him against me, with the lovely smells from our dirty clothes filling the small bathroom.  How is it that something so gross can make you love another person so much more?  It's one of life's beautiful mysteries. 

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