Saturday, February 2, 2013

Entertainment in the Bathroom

I had one of those afternoons that doesn't involve any non-kid moments. Not that many of my afternoons do, but this one felt particularly burdened. This was most likely because I was trying to have some time for myself.

I was hanging out with my aunt, and trying to help her prep for her super bowl shindig, but I kept being interrupted by my children needing things. Tessie needed a snack or a drink, Christian mostly just needed me. I was trying not to get too frustrated, after all, I am supposed to be taking care of them I suppose (imagine a big sigh right about now.)

The straw on this camel's back came when I tried to go to the bathroom. That should be sacred mom time, right? For all the stuff we put up with all day, shouldn't we get to pee in peace? Well, apparently not. I sat down, and Tes walked in. She burst through the door and walked over to me, leaving the door wide open behind her. "Tessie," I said calmly, "it really isn't polite to walk in on someone in the bathroom." "Why?" she asked. I tried to explain that people, meaning me, liked to go to the bathroom alone, and that she could at least knock. She looked at me for a moment, considering what I'd said, then she shrugged. "I was just checking to see if anyone was taking a shower." She pulled back the shower curtain, and when she saw no one was there, she marched back out of the bathroom, leaving the door open behind her. You may loose any shred of privacy possible when you become a mother, but at least you gain entertainment in the bathroom. And every once in a while, it can be surprisingly beautiful.

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