Thursday, July 26, 2012

Neighborly Kindness

My moment today is centered on the kindness of others.  People show each other kindnesses every day and, no matter how small, these should not be overlooked as true moments of beauty.  I try to teach my children kindness by example and today I was shown a wonderful example that I would like to share with you.

For the last two days my family and I have been out of town.  Our neighbors were kind enough to look after our house, our dog and our chickens.  I must say that we really lucked out when it comes to the family next door.  We are quickly becoming great friends as are our children, a combination that I find rare and should be highly coveted.  I had complete trust leaving my home in their good keeping and was able to enjoy my time away without worry.

Before we left I showed my neighbor the newly constructed chicken run.  Because I had built it rather hastily there were still a few, rather lopsided, things to work out but I planned on taking care of it upon my return.  This evening, after getting home and settled, I went out to check on my chickens.  I couldn’t help but notice that the gate seemed to close a lot better than when I had left.  After a closer inspection I saw that the frame had been straightened and the whole gate now hung flush within it.  I was immediately overcome with gratitude and awe at this amazing act of kindness.  Not only did our neighbors take care of our pets and home, they fixed my coop, made it safer and didn’t even bring attention to the act! 

This evening, when I called to thank her, my neighbor just brushed it off as not a big deal, no problem, just a small task.  I tried to convey to her how touched I was.  It is no small thing to take it upon yourself to help out a neighbor just out of the kindness of your heart.  I was, and am, filled with appreciation.  I consider myself lucky for many reasons, having thoughtful and kind neighbors is definitely one of them and is my something beautiful today.

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