Saturday, September 8, 2012

Playing House

My day today could not have been more different than my day yesterday.  I had a wonderful time with both my kids today, but especially with Tes.  From the moment she woke up she was a joy.  She was helpful with her brother, listened to me when I explained a reason for a rule, and picked up, most of the time.  She was helpful with her brother and even his behavior improved dramatically from the day before.

I made an effort to set realistic expectations and tried to give Tes choices, rather than ultimatums.  We made a “responsibility chart” and Tessie took it very seriously.  Overall, we had more fun than fights, and I am smiling at the end of my day instead of feeling beaten down. 

One moment in particular today outshone the rest.  I had just put Christian down for a nap and was about to start in on cleaning the kitchen.  I walked past Tessie’s room and heard her talking to her dolls about building them a house.  I paused and decided that the kitchen could wait.  I don’t want the majority of my interactions with Tes to be about discipline, we need to spend time playing together as well. 

I asked if I could join her and she said of course.  She showed me the “dobe” house she was building.  “Adobe?” I asked.  “No, dobe.” she replied.  I smiled.  We dressed all her dolls and put them to sleep in the house we built.  Then I made a sign, at Tessie’s request, that said “Please, you may not touch.” and leaned it against the structure. 

It was a wonderful moment.  I love watching my daughter’s imagination at work.  Too often however, I take the opportunity given by quiet play to clean, rather than enjoy being with her.  I am positive that this interaction of ours helped improve the outlook of our entire day.  From now on I am going to make an effort to seize every little play moment I can, because the beauty of playing house with her mother will fade before I can even blink, and I haven’t put on nearly enough doll outfits yet.

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