Friday, September 21, 2012

The Play Date

Tessie has been begging me for a play date with one of her friends from school for weeks now.  Today we finally made it happen.  Her friend has a little brother the same age as Christian, and Tes informed me that the boys would play together, the girls would play together, and the mommies could play together.  How perfect.

We actually have this type of scenario play out a lot in our crowd.  But what usually always happens is that all the kids play together, and Christian stays in my lap, or on my hip, the whole time.  Not ideal for either of us.  Today, though, he was part of the action.

As Tes and her girlfriend played with princesses in her room, Christian stood in his walker and played with his friend in the living room.  I stood in the kitchen and watched with delight as the boys talked about toys and giggled together.  I think it was the first time that both my children were playing with their own respective friends, and I wasn't involved at all.

Later we all sat in Christian's room and played with trucks.  Even though Christian was sitting on my lap, I wasn't supporting him at all, and he was so involved with playing with his friend that he didn't even notice me. After our guests went home I snuggled up with my son on the couch and asked him if he had had a good time.  He smiled and said "Ya, we played with trucks."

Independent play has been a huge goal for me when it comes to Christian. The biggest reason he is going to school is because he has had hardly any interaction with kids his age. Christian is an incredibly social kid and I know he wants to be running after his friends, and doing all the things they are. Today was a preview of what I'm hoping his life will be like soon; playing with his buddies, not his mom. That kind of independence will be beautiful, and I'll try not to miss him too much.

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