Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Today I began the terrifying task of potty training my son. We have been slowly leading up to it for a while now. Christian has been sitting on, and even occasionally using, the potty before bath. We started a "potty chart" a couple of days ago, something we did for Tessie that worked well, and he gets a sticker every time he goes pee or poop in the potty. He has one sticker so far. Until today I hadn't really given it my all, I was dragging my feet. So I decided to give him a little more incintive. Today Christian got his first pack of pull-ups.

He was over the moon excited when I showed him the pull-ups, and couldn't wait to put them on. He was so proud once he had them on, that I had to take a picture and send it to Nick. We also had to show them to Tes before I put his pants back on. Not long after Christian had on his new pull-ups, he told me he wanted to go potty. I carried him to the bathroom, got him situated on the potty, and sat down on a stool in front of him. We had barely been there a minute, when his expression changed to one of concentration and he said "I'm gonna go pee pee." Sure enough, I heard the tell-tale sound and cheered out loud. We high fived as I got him off the potty, and we picked a new sticker for the chart. He smiled the whole way to the living room, where he high fived Tessie, and asked to call his Daddy. It was quite the celebration.

Although I carried him back to the bathroom for several more potty trips throughout the day, no more stickers were earned. But I still feel like today was a success. Potty training is hardest on Mom, no matter how you look at it. If all I accomplished today was getting Christian excited about wearing pull-ups, then I still think it was a beautiful start.

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