Sunday, February 10, 2013

Snuggling is Better

Today's moment was small.  Small, but perfect.  We had a big, active day today, so this afternoon I snuggled up with the kids in my bed, and watched movies.  Just after the sun set, my aunt came to pick us up.  As I walked the kids out to the car, Tessie looked up at the horizon, and let out a big sigh.  "Aw man," she whined, "we missed the green flash!"  The green flash is a phenomenon that happens when the sun dips below the horizon on the ocean, and whether or not it is real has been greatly debated, but Tessie thinks it's awesome.  I reminded her that we had been snuggling during the sunset, and that's why we missed it.  "Oh well, snuggling is better than the green flash anyway." she stated mater-of-factually, and marched off to the car.  I stared after her, stunned.  She stole my heart all over again, and it was beautiful.

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